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Elder & Kurtzman Original Art: Goodman Gets Gun p.151 * NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE *
Price: $600.00
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151,"Goodman Gets a Gun" episode (1962) in Goodman
This is one of five hilarious G.B. stories
that Kurtzman & Elder created for Help! magazine in
the early '60s before Goodman morphed into "Little Annie
Fanny" for Playboy. On this page Goodman thinks his
"Marlon Brando personality" has won him newfound respect
among his friends (including Elizabeth Taylor in her Cleopatra
hair-do). In actuality, his friends have just become aware that
Goodman is packing a gun. (Note: page numbers are from
the Kitchen Sink Press collection, not an original Help! appearance
or the MacFadden paperback, Executive Comic Book.)
From the estate of Harvey Kurtzman. Comes with a letter of authenticity
upon request.
Size/medium/condition/price: Written by Kurtzman. Drawn by Elder based on pencil
layouts by Kurtzman. Pen, brush and ink on heavy illustration
board. Board measures 8" wide x 9 3/8" high. Actual
image is 6 5/8" x 6". The "original" lettering
on all Goodman Beaver art consists of photostats glued to the
board with forty year-old rubber cement. Some light staining
is visible on most Goodman lettering. There are four words on
this page missing from the first word balloon along with the
last half of the final word "confidence" in the right
balloon. (These words could be replaced by photocopies from the
Goodman Beaver collection.) There is white tape running
under the artwork, registration marks, and printer's handwritten
notations outside the image area. All Goodman Beaver originals
have these minor flaws to a lesser or greater degree. These can
be easily eliminated from view by matting the original. The original
comes with the removable acetate overlay with certain areas blocked
in by Elder in red marker. (The red areas were shot by the printer
and converted to a 30% "screen," then "double-burned"
on to the line art on the film negatives to create the gray tone
areas on the published panels.) Exquisite pen and ink work by
Elder from the self-described "funniest" work this
famous team ever created.