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Elder & Kurtzman Original Art: Goodman Beaver Tied to Stake * NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE *
Price: $675.00
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"Goodman Beaver Tied to Stake"
--- Page 18 (1961 and 1962)
8.5" wide x 11" high
Pen and ink on Craftint Singletone paper.
From "Goodman Meets T*rz*n," page
18 in Kitchen Sink Press' 1984 compilation of Goodman Beaver
(available from Steve Krupp's Curio Shoppe). First appearance
was in the September 1961 Help! magazine. Will Elder did
the inks based on Harvey Kurtzman layouts and script. The individual
panels shown here are cut out of Craftint Singletone paper and
pasted on to a heavy illustration board. The top panel was expanded
by Elder: the right 1/3 of the top panel has been added to the
version that first appeared in Help!, as explained on
page 13 of the KSP compilation. This was done to conform to the
new proportions of the Executive's Comic Book, a 1962
"pocket book" reprint from McFadden. Consequently there
is a slice running along the stake in the top panel where Elder
painstakingly spliced the new section to the pre-existing panel.
There is also a paste-over on the top panel where Elder replaced
Goodman's "monkey-like" face from the first appearance
in Help! to the more human and "lovable" face
here (see page 14 of KSP book). The bottom panel has no cuts
or paste-overs because it was created new for Executive's
Comic Book. This is page 44 if you have the 1962 pocket book.