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Will Eisner Original Art: TO THE HEART OF THE STORM, pg 78 (1991) * NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE *
Price: $1,500.00
Sold Art
WILL EISNER (1917-2005) • To the Heart of
the Storm (1991) Page 78. “Eisner as a young newsboy
and dreamer.”
Will Eisner’s
most overtly autobiographical work is To The Heart of
the Storm, the story of his own family and their
multi-generational struggle with anti-Semitism. During
the Great Depression Eisner had to early on help support
his family by hawking newspapers on Wall Street in New
York City. This page depicts the young Eisner caught
between two rough
characters who characterized the cutthroat periodical
distribution business. The final panel contains a
significant foretelling phrase: Uncle Louie tells young
Will, “So sell, don’t dream.” Eisner’s autobiographical
story about entering the comics business is called The Dreamer.
This original page is a sweet piece of comic book
Drawn with brush, pen, and ink on 11 x 14-inch
Bristol board. Excellent condition.
The Will Eisner estate is exclusively represented by
the Denis Kitchen Art Agency, an affiliate of Steve
Krupp’s Curio Shoppe and Gallery. This drawing is
warranted to be an authentic original created by Will
Eisner, and sold on behalf of his estate. Note: Image
is © Will Eisner Studios, Inc. Reproduction for
commercial purposes requires permission.
Further reference: Much
other Eisner art, plus out-of-print graphic novels,
Spirit comic books and magazines,
signed serigraphs,
his Famous
Cartoonist Button, and numerous other
Eisner-related items are accessible from our sister
store Steve
Krupp’s Curio Shoppe. Just type his name (or The
Spirit) into our search bar. |