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WILL Eisner Art: Wraparound Cover to Spirit Magazine # 26 (1980) * NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE *
Price: $11,500.00
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(1917-2005) • Exceptional Original Cover Art (lot
of 2)
“Spirit Magazine #26 cover” (1980)
This is the very last of Will Eisner’s great
wraparound Spirit Magazine covers remaining in
the family’s archives, and this one is exceptional:
The Spirit is beautifully drawn, with Eisner’s
trademark feathering evident in every masterful fold
of cloth. The Spirit strikes a dramatic pose, wielding
a rare weapon, a sword, while battling Baron Von
Shlozz (12/28/47 Spirit), and simultaneously
keeping a wary eye on the libidinous Nylon Rose
(4/7/46 Spirit). This outstanding original has
everything you want in a classic cover: prominent
hero, beautiful woman, interesting villain, large
size, and dramatic layout. After this one, there
are no more great wraparounds in inventory! This
original art comes with a near-mint copy of Spirit
Magazine #26 (Dec 1980).
Medium/Size/Condition: Blue pencil, brush and
ink on white Bristol board measuring 20 1/8 inches
wide x 13 1/8” high. It is mounted on a heavy dark
board measuring 22.25 x 15”. The large and full
wraparound cover is all original, including the logo
signature and the logo itself (though, except for the
possessive “S” they are glued or taped to the larger
original. A second signature (+ date) are in the lower
right corner. Excellent condition.
[No-interest installment payments can be arranged on
high ticket items.]
Further reference: Much other Eisner art, plus
out-of-print graphic novels, Spirit comic books and magazines,
signed serigraphs,
his Famous
Cartoonist Button, and numerous other
Eisner-related items are accessible from our sister
store Steve
Krupp’s Curio Shoppe. Just type his name (or The
Spirit) into our search bar.
Provenance: The Will Eisner estate is
exclusively represented by the Denis Kitchen Art
Agency, an affiliate of Steve Krupp’s Curio Shoppe and
Gallery. This drawing is warranted to be an authentic
original created by Will Eisner, and sold on behalf of
his estate. Note: Image is © Will Eisner Studios, Inc.
Reproduction for commercial purposes requires