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Will Eisner Original Spirit Art: Wanted: Dangerous Jobs pg. 3 (1950) * NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE *
Price: $1,950.00
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(1917-2005) • Original Spirit art
“Wanted: Dangerous Job,” page 3” (1950)
This page has most of what collectors are
looking for in a Spirit page: The
Spirit himself is in several panels,
most prominently in the 4th panel where he
begins to don a disguise; Commissioner
Dolan, who, while not prominent, is
clearly present in three panels; there is
a beautiful woman (Briget),
and an a villain (a dictator no less) and
his henchmen. Even sidekick Sammy is
present, not to mention the Scotsman.
Eisner’s characteristic compositions are
noteworthy here: He gives us both worm’s
eye and bird’s eye views of the aircraft,
along with separate long shots and
interior. Nothing lazy about the way he
approached the airplane to propel the
story. This page has everything accept a
fight scene.
Medium/Size/Condition: Brush, pen
and ink on Bristol board measuring 15
inches wide x 22 inches high. White tape
above and below the image areas. One small
paste-up correction in 7th panel
(airplane/runway). Excellent condition.
Further reference: Much
other Eisner art, plus out-of-print graphic novels,
Spirit comic books and magazines,
signed serigraphs,
his Famous
Cartoonist Button, and numerous other
Eisner-related items are accessible from our sister
store Steve
Krupp’s Curio Shoppe. Just type his name (or The
Spirit) into our search bar.
Provenance: The Will Eisner estate is
exclusively represented by the Denis Kitchen Art
Agency, an affiliate of Steve Krupp’s Curio Shoppe and
Gallery. This drawing is warranted to be an authentic
original created by Will Eisner, and sold on behalf of
his estate. Note: Image is © Will Eisner Studios, Inc.
Reproduction for commercial purposes requires
permission. |